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New Programming Language:Dart

Google's New Programming Language : Dart

There was a news programming language has introduced by programers in Google Association.
At first this programming language named as "Dash" but now it's name is "Dart".

Primarily this Programming Language is adapt for make websites and make several kinds of
applicable applications for websites, that is a Web Programming Language.
The Google Association's programmers were got influence from various kinds of famous
programming languages for make this new programming language.
Such as Java Script, Coffee Script, Strongtalk and etc...
And also they got influence from Java and Closer programming languages.

The great feature of this programming language is, can simply convert codes written with
other programming languages to Dart. Then those are in .dart extension files.

The Google Association said that "Websites and Apps were written with Dart Programming Language, work well on any browsers are used in currently."
And they also tell if any problem is there the Google Dart Researcher are work devotedly to solve it.
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