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How to add all of your friends into a Facebook Group just using simple Java Script


How to add all of your friends into a Facebook Group just using simple Java Script
In some of the previous posts I gave you some Facebook Tricks and Tips. So now I’m going to give you another great Facebook trick.
Facebook is the largest social platform and we can use it to promote our business, products or websites. To do those things you can create a group. But if we create a group we need lot of members to group. Because people don’t like to join low members groups. Then we have to add members one by one manually. It is very hard and boring work to do. But now we don’t worry about it. Because there is a great Java Script code to add members within few minutes automatically.
So now I’m going to tell How to add all of your friends into a group using this code. If you have lot of friends this is very useful trick to you. This trick for only Google Chrome browser.

First of all change your secure browsing to disabled.
Go to your Account Settings > Security > Secure Browsing > Disable

Then you have to change the group settings like this.
"Any member can add or approve members."

Now copy below code and go to your group.


Then press F12 key or right click on anywhere in the group and select Inspect Element. Now you can see a box appear at the bottom of the group. Then press Esc (Escape) key at the left top corner of the keyboard and press Ctrl+V to paste the code you copied. And press Enter key. So next you will all of your friends adding to the group one by one. 

How to add all of your friends into a Facebook Group just using simple Java Script

This will take few minutes to done. At last you can see there are lots of members in group.

How to add all of your friends into a Facebook Group just using simple Java Script

If you're using Firefox browser go to the group and press Ctrl+Shift+K. Then paste the code and press Enter.
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